Sunday, February 15, 2009


i tried to just voice my opinion. you know cause people say voicing your opinion is good and self gratifying. i guess not. i try to tell someone how much something bothers me that THEY are doing and its turned around on me, because we are in no way anything. right.

i feel utterly annoyed and in a way betrayed. i figured he'd be a little more suseptive, i dont even know how to spell that word right now, and a little less defensive. what does he have to get defensive about. WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO GET DEFENSIVE ABOUT. since he's so happy living his life like that, what is there to be defensive about. to a fucking 17 year old. come on.



okay well valentines day wasnt that bad.
i guess.
i had to cancel these extravagant dinner plans for my 7th month anniversary with ricky but he totally forgot and didnt know what i was talking about and why i was so upset so that made me even more upset.
we went and saw friday the 13th and he spent the entire movie covering his eyes by nuzzling into my neck and holding onto me for dear life. it was cute.

and then today i volunteered with New Leash for the pet adoption at Petco and some of the people irritated the crap out of me. if your gona tell other people about the dogs, let someone who knows the dogs well do it. dont go and tell the public the wrong information you dumb whore.

it was irritating.
but other than that, idk. i try to live day to day as best as i can. even if its harder than other days i still try my best. and today wasnt that bad i guess.

i just hope it sticks.